root cap cell death

Our lab is interested in the molecular control of plant PCD during vegetative and reproductive development. Dozens of different cell types, tissues, and organs execute a tightly regulated, actively controlled cell death in the course of their differentiation and development. We identified several commonly expressed plant cell death markers, suggesting that a conserved PCD core machinery controls initiation and execution of cell death in diverse developmental contexts.

under construction

In both animals and plants PCD is a fundamental concept of development. Forms of developmental PCD occur throughout plant development, and are crucial for plant growth and reproduction. Defects in the molecular genetics control of PCD can cause severe developmental aberrations and conditions.

Staying alive – delaying floral aging improves seed set in maize

To produce fruits and seeds, plants need to be fertilized in a narrow time frame during which the flower is receptive to viable pollen. In crops, excessive heat and drought stress can negatively impact fertilization causing a reduction in seed yield. Collaborative research between the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology and Corteva AgriscienceTM identified a key regulatory mechanism to prolong female fertility in maize. This knowledge may become an important asset to stabilizing seed production for maize, and potentially for other cereal crops growing in changing climate conditions caused by global warming.